La Plagne 360
La Plagne resort guide

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Does La Plagne have a McDonalds?


Considering France is renowned as being one of the pre-eminent gastronomic nations on the planet, this may seem like the strangest question. However, after many seasons spent in the resort, I was surprised just how many times I was asked – Does La Plagne have a McDonalds?

To save you time reading further, in short, the answer is no. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find your Maccy D’s fix if it’s of sufficient importance to you. Read on for more.

McDonalds in La Plagne

Most probably through extensive efforts by resort restauranteurs, La Plagne does not (at time of writing) have a McDonalds – and, for the very same reason, I would suggest that’s unlikely to change any time soon. This appears to be the same across most French ski resorts aside from the likes of Chamonix and Megève. However, these instances are relatively easily explained as both are actual towns rather than just ski resorts.

The Albertville McDonalds

While you might not have a McD’s on your doorstep, there are some in the area. The first is in Albertville – but you really would need to be dedicated to go here as it’ll involve a bit of a hike. Better left for a time when you might be making a shopping trip to the La Plagne valley supermarkets. You’ll either need a car for this or to reverse the instructions for getting to La Plagne by train – plus also work out the La Plagne valley bus times.

The Bourg-Saint-Maurice McDonalds

The second McDonalds – and by far the easiest to get to – is in Bourg-Saint-Maurice. BSM is very easily accessed via Les Arcs and the Vanoise Express followed by a few other link lifts above Peisey-Vallandry and Arc 1800 then the funiculaire from 1600 down to town. This is all very doable in a day and makes for a grand trip out so long as you’re at early intermediate level or above.

To get to BSM, you’ll first need to follow the route from La Plagne to Les Arcs. From there, everything is very well signposted. Just head to 1600m and find the funiculaire.

The slight dichotomy of McDonalds in France

Where are La Plagne's best burgers

For a nation that prides itself on its culinary delights – not to mention one that celebrates the familial act of eating shared food together (think fondues etc) – I’ve always found it rather strange that a fast food outlet like Mc D’s would have ever found a foothold in France. However, visit either of these restaurants and you’ll soon find that the French have embraced the culture. Burger King is also getting more popular. Moreover, the McDonalds on Paris’ famed Champs-Élysées is apparently one of the busiest in the world. It seems attitudes are changing here, possibly down to a younger generation.

Alternatives to McDonalds

360VR image of La Plagne's Le Bonnet restaurant - one of the best on-hill restaurants in La Plagne

Of course, if all this seems like a little too much hassle, you’ll find countless restaurants serving burgers around La Plagne. Of these, my personal on-hill favourite would probably be Le Bonnet in Plagne Bellecôte which does a very familiar fast food menu but with more traditional, local ingredients. Actually, it could easily be argued the burgers here are better than you’ll ever find in a McD’s. For night-time options, look around menus in Plagne Centre or – of particular note – there’s also Spitting Feathers in Bellecôte which does wicked burgers.

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