La Plagne 360
La Plagne resort guide

The ultimate La Plagne guide



The Grande Pente black is accessed directly off the top of the Crêtes drag lift, above the Becoin chair near Aime 2000. As you get off the poma, just head slightly left from the top.

The first section of the Grande Pente run is pretty steep and, in the right snow, can be a joy to ride. However, as the season progresses, the bumps can get massive as this is another of La Plagne’s ‘Natur’ pistes (meaning it remains unpisted).

Once you’ve got through the initial steep section on Grande Pente, the run soon mellows and the bowl becomes shallower. As a result, the main challenge lies in the top section of this run – particularly when it’s bumpy.

Note – it can be quite tempting to try some of the steeper stuff in this area but be warned – you really need to know what you’re doing as this is one of the most avalanche-prone areas in the whole of La Plagne. The best idea for exploring this area is by getting a La Plagne guide.

  • Great scenery
  • Fun after fresh snow
  • Multiple routes into the bowl at top
  • Fast access via Becoin chair > Crêtes
  • Very avalanche prone
  • Crêtes poma frequently closed
  • Only the top should be graded black


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Options at base

Connecting lifts: Connecting pistes:
Becoin detachable chair (via Gavotte) Gavotte red
Colarado detachable chair (via Gavotte)
Funiplagne Grande Rochette (via Gavotte)


Piste stats

Length: 0.7km / 0.4m
Start alt: 2401m
End alt: 2151m
Vert drop: 249m
Max gradient: 36°
Graded: Black


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The best runs in the Aime 2000 area of La Plagne


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