La Plagne 360
La Plagne resort guide

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The Champagny lift Borseliers III is a short, fast drag lift (fixed pole Poma) used mainly as an alternative to the Borseliers chair for accessing the Rossa chair to subsequently access the main La Plagne area via the Plagne Bellecôte / Roche de Mio pistes and lifts. If you’re staying in Champagny-en-Vanoise and take the Champagny gondola out of town, it’s the first lift you reach so it can be a tempting alternative to the chairlift as there’s normally a shorter wait time – particularly early in the morning.

Although this lift also gives access to the lower section of the Rossa blue piste, this run is rarely used – mainly due to it being so short and not really leading anywhere. You’re way better off just using this lift for access to the main Rossa chair to access some of La Plagne’s best beginner pistes or contintue towards the runs that lie beyond.

  • Good link poma
  • Quicker than chair
  • Quick access into main Champagny sector
  • Queues early morning
  • The run it serves is shorter than taking Borseliers chair


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Connecting lifts: Connecting pistes:
Rossa detachable chair (ride forward) Eterlou blue (ride forward)
Rossa blue (lower section)


Lift stats

Length: 0.5km / 0.3m
Base alt: 1956m
End alt: 2101m
Vert ascent: 145m
Av gradient: 30%
Max gradient: 45%
Capacity: 1 person
People per hr: 890
Av travel time: 2min 40s
Type: Poma


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Guide to the pistes and lifts in the Champagny-en-Vanoise sector of La Plagne


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Full La Plagne pistemap


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